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Butternut & beetroot quinoa

I have many favourite meals but this one has to be on my top ten list. Butternut sliced finely, roasted until tender, served alongside a beetroot puree quinoa, sprinkled with roasted paprika chickpeas and feta - its mouthwatering just typing it out.  

This dish combines so many flavours and colours, complimenting any side dishes you may have in mind to serve alongside it. I normally serve it with a large green salad and home-made flaxseed bread.


Serves 4

1 medium to large butternut, peeled, sliced in half from the shortest end to the thick end then slice thinly along the entire butternut. Do not slice all the way through otherwise the butternut will not keep its shape.
2 medium to large beetroots, peeled and chopped into wedges
1 tablespoon coconut oil (vegan option)
2 cups cooked quinoa
1/2 cup baby spinach
handful microherbs
handful pomegranate seeds


Preheat the oven to 200Ë™C. Place the butternut onto a baking pan, don’t forget to spray it with olive oil or coconut oil first to avoid it sticking - or use a non-stick baking pan. Melt the butter on the stove and then pour over the butternut, if you would prefer to use the coconut oil then do the same. Sprinkle the cinnamon over the butternut and place into the oven and bake for ±30 minutes until the butternut is soft when a skewer is placed in it. Remove the butternut from the oven and set aside. Cook the beetroot until they are soft, while the butternut is in the oven, then allow them to cool for a bit. Place the beetroots into a food processor and blend until they have a puree consistency. Pour some of the beetroot puree into the quinoa until all the quinoa is a pink colour. Only use as much as you need of the puree otherwise the quinoa will be soaked. Freeze any remaining puree and keep for the next time.

Place the quinoa and beetroot puree as the base of your serving dish, then add the baby spinach, micro herbs, parsley on top. Slowly remove so as not to break its shape and place the butternut on top of the quinoa and salad leaves. Then place the pinenuts in a small non-stick pan on the stove and lightly dry roast then until they are slightly browned in colour. Careful to watch over them or else they will burn. Pan fry the haloumi cheese in a little coconut oil until they are browned. Place both the butternut and haloumi cheese around your serving dish and then sprinkle with the pinenuts and pomegranate seeds. Serve while the butternut and haloumi are still warm.


2 cups basil leaves
1/4 cup olive oil (cold pressed virgin)  
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (really good for your gut)
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon dijon mustard

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until the sauce is of a smooth consistancy and enjoy!


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