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Veggie pizza tart

I so enjoy pastry and a good ol' pizza, but I have never been a huge fan of the pizza bases, so after trying a few delicious pies I came across a recipe that inspired me to combine both. This is goes down so well at any braai or even a sunday night supper, actually you could throw a few fried eggs on top and serve it for breakfast....the possibilities are endless!

Serves 6

3 red onions, sliced
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon olive oil or coconut oil
2 tablespoon of brown sugar or honey
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

500g variety of colours cherry or roma tomatoes
2 garlic cloves or crushed garlic
a few sprigs of freshly picked rosemary
2 tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 packet puff pastry (if you have frozen make sure you defrost it beforehand)
1 egg
200g goats cheese or halloumi cheese (depending on your preference)
half cup fresh basil leaves

Preheat the oven to 200oC. Melt the butter in a medium sized pan along with the olive oil or coconut oil. Add the onions and cook until slightly soft, then add the sugar and balsamic and cook slowly until they are sticky and the sugar has completely melted. This will take about 20 minutes. Set aside and prepare the tomatoes. Slice the tomatoes in half and place in a baking dish about 20cm long. Place the olive oil or coconut oil, garlic and balsamic vinegar in a bowl and mix. Drizzle the mixture over the tomatoes and place in the oven, roast for about 20 minutes. Make sure you don’t over roast them or else they will loose their shape. Make sure the heat is not too high or else the onions will dry out.

To create your tart masterpiece, roll out the pastry on a floured surface. Try to roll the pastry into a large square so that you can cut a circle out of the pastry. Then first place the caramelised onions on the tart base in the centre, making a circle but still giving yourself enough edging to roll the pastry back over the filling to cover the edges so that the filling doesn’t fall out. Then place the tomatoes, cheese and basil leaves. Roll over the edges, to keep the edges from falling out. Once that is done take the egg and mix it in a small dish and then, using a pastry brush, brush the edges of your tart covering them fully.

Once you are finished place the tart into the oven and bake for 25 minutes until the pastry is golden in colour and crispy, the serve and enjoy.

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